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Cindy Bohm

I pray for you, Dan and think of you often. I’m still missing our Staci girl and hope to see you guys one of these days. I always appreciate the updates.


Thanks Cin! I miss our girl too. And think of her at the strangest times.

Deborah hopping

Dan. Thank you for sharing your day. I’m so sorry you are going though this and so happy you have Nancy. Those of us that have a lover or close friend or family with us in our homes right now are fortunate. For me it’s a good friend and his daughter. My own daughter is walking distance but my grandson was exposed to a Coronavirus positive person at school so her home isn’t safe for me. I was able to see them yesterday on a walk in our neighborhood with the babies strapped into their double stroller 6 feet away. Bittersweet. It is scary for me too and I’m guessing most of us to be out and around other humans right now. And we are seeing what’s “behind the mask” of so many who aren’t willing to sacrifice personally for the good of all either out of selfishness or stupidity and so the feeling of being “unsure” and “unsafe” weighs heavy. Love to you and Nancy! Keep telling your story!


Oh Dan, you sweet lovely man. That you'd be going through this is beyond belief. Thank God you have your wonderful Nancy. I think of you two often. When this craziness ends I would love to see you both ❤️. In the meantime, I am reading your blogs and sending good thoughts.

Nancy J Mitchell

A BIG thank you to everyone for your very special words of love, prayers and good thoughts.
Especially now, they mean so much to both of us.
In the midst of all this craziness, its comforting to have the love and support of friends and family.
I hope you are all doing well and staying safe and healthy.

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