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Cathy Clairmont

Nothing worse than dealing with this crap too... along with what’s already on your plate. Good thoughts to you Nancy and Dan too!


Thinking about you both daily!! Love you guys!!❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏

Nancy Mitchell

Thank you Cathy and Shelly. We appreciate it!
Love you both so much!

Sue McNamara

So sorry, you seem to be doing everything right! Love and prayers.

Carrie Lau

Thinking of you both. I know your journey way too well. Unexpected turns will be there as they were this week. The same happened to my hubby this past July. What we went through with his lung infection while immune suppressed due to chemo, was so scary.
I’m so glad to hear Dan is feeling better. A huge Rainbow 🌈.
Love to you both 😘

Laura Oakes

Thanks for the update Nancy. Dan is one of my favorites and I miss our daily run-ins in the studio hallway or at the coffee machine. Please give him my best ❤️
Laura Oakes


Oh dear...I had no idea. I saw him Wednesday morning and he had the sniffles. I’m so sorry you had that scare. Let me know if you need anything. xoxoxo

Nancy Mitchell

Thank you to all for your comments and good wishes. They help more than I can express.


Hugs and love! Dan you can do it!

Kelly Arlett

It's time for you cats to catch a break! Sending lots of sanitary warm hugs n prayers your way Nancy n Dan. 💌🙏🙏🙏💪 This too shall pass, keep up the diligence!
Lots of Love, Kel xoxo 💕💕


Thank you all for your kind words. It means a lot to both Nancy and me. We certainly ARE due to catch a break, right?

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